MonaLisa Touch
A painless laser treatment clinically proven to improve vaginal dryness, burning,
and painful sex many women start to experience after menopause.
Why try the MonaLisa Touch?
The MonaLisa Touch is proven to measurably help women going through menopause, an often frustrating, discomforting and depressing condition every woman goes through at some point. Fortunately, the MonaLisa Touch™ can treat the uncomfortable symptoms of vaginal atrophy, a genital disorder commonly caused by menopause:
Sound too familiar?
In addition to alleviating these symptoms, there are other benefits experienced by women who receive MonaLisa Touch™ treatments:
MonaLisa Touch™ is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment that is FDA-approved and consists of a specially-designed CO2 fractional laser. A probe is gently inserted into the vaginal canal and emits controlled two-part pulses that target both the surface and deep cells of the vaginal lubrication tissues, revitalizing them into creating more collagen. The procedure is virtually pain-free and requires no anesthetic, although a topical cream is available upon request. Most women who undergo treatment report it feeling like gentle vibration, but slight discomfort may be experienced the first time the laser probe is inserted into the vaginal canal. Each MonaLisa Touch™ session takes less than five minutes to perform, but sometimes patients are encouraged to undergo 3 sessions spaced 6 weeks apart for optimum results. Improvement is usually noticed after one session, however, while the rejuvenated vaginal tissue is long-term, patients may be advised to come in annually for a follow-up treatment.
The MonaLisa Touch™. Easy. Painless. Safe. Sensational.
Oh, how you’ll feel the difference.
Q~ What is the MonaLisa Touch?
A~ MonaLisa Touch is a new treatment that uses laser energy to treat the symptoms you may be experiencing. MonaLisa Touch is a medical laser that delivers controlled energy to the vaginal tissue so cells make more collagen.
Q~ Has MonaLisa Touch been clinically studied?
A~ A multisite study was conducted by two leading Urogynecologists who are experts in the field of postmenopausal gynecologic health; Dr. Mickey Karram, Director of Fellowship Program on Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery at The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, OH and Dr. Eric Sokol, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Stanford University Medical Center. Additionally, recent results from a trial evaluating the laser treatment on postmenopausal women and breast cancer survivors who are experiencing gynecologic health issues shows positive results and a high patient satisfaction rating.
Q~ What does the procedure feel like?
A~ The in-office procedure is virtually painless, requires no anesthesia and typically is done under 5 minutes.
Q~ How many treatments does it take?
A~ Patients receive three, 5 minute, in-office treatments that are spaced six weeks apart.